
Coming up:

QGIS for beginners - To be announced

Course is covering the basics of QGIS and get you acquainted with the basics of creating, managing and analysing spatial data in QGIS.

Course outline:

  1. Installation
  2. Getting to Know the User Interface & Tools: Getting to know QGIS user interface and how to organize your work.
  3. Working with Spatial Data: Learn how to import, create and edit spatial data.
  4. Making a Map: Design a map with all the map elements, using base maps (WMS, XYZ), creating inset map.
  5. Coordinate Reference Systems: Understand the importance of CRS and how to work with them in QGIS.
  6. Working with Attributes: Making attribute queries, table joins.
  7. Basic Vector Analysis: Learn fundamental vector analysis techniques, such as buffering, union, and spatial queries.

QGIS for advanced users (Only in Estonian)

Coming in spring 2024

If you have already some knowledge with QGIS but you want to expand the portfolio of your skills.

Course outline:

  1. Advanced attribute and spatial queries
  2. Raster Data Processing: Raster algebra.
  3. QGIS Expressions: QGIS Expressions are a powerful tool to speed up your data processing and map design.
  4. Working with 3D Data: Learn how to visualize and work with three-dimensional geographic data.
  5. Customization and Automation: Automating workflows with Model Builder.

Map design in QGIS (Only in English)

Coming in spring 2024

The course is for you if you have already basic skills in QGIS and you want to improve your map design skills.